Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Don't Call it a Comeback

       It's been 4 years since, Chalene Johnson, a motivating and upbeat fitness instructor, launched her last Beachbody Program, TurboFire.  I had the opportunity to do a week of TurboFire, before my OT benched me from my workouts to deal with some nerve issues I am suffering from, and her energy is contagious.
I got myself fired up after a weekend away with my friends!
Waking up early in the morning before our 2 girls get up to make sure I get in my "me" time, isn't always easy; however, her upbeat personality and amazing tunes in her programs really help!

Back in the day, before my Beachbody coaching days, I used to rock it out with her TurboJam program.  
I was taking it back to 2005 with TurboJam! I was prepping for the arrival of TurboFire.
       Chalene has impacted millions of people's lives with her inspirational personality and effective programs.  Although her last Beachbody program launch was in 2010, her influence has been around for years!! At the end of the month, PIYO will make its debut, and this program will be a game changer for so many people. Using one's own body weight, a person will sculpt his/her body with these 25-45 minute workouts without having to lift a weight or jump! They are low impact, but high intensity.  This may be my COMEBACK workout.
      I injured myself nearly 4 months ago lifting our garbage can onto one of the many GIANT mounds of snow we had in our yard this winter.  I ended up with a TFCC tear in my left wrist, and it has compounded some issues that most likely have been creeping up on me-It's getting on my NERVES, literally.  Due to some compression of nerves in my spine somewhere, I am struggling with numbness in some fingers and my arm.  Because of this, I was told to only walk.  WHAT?! I CRAVE my workouts, and I hope to work PIYO into my regimen as I continue to work with my OT and PT.  
Do you want in my PIYO test group? I am limiting it to 10 people, as to maximize their individual results.  Fill out this application so you can be a part of it.  We will rock these workouts, eat clean, and enjoy Shakeology daily in a supportive group environment on Facebook! 
Group starts July 7!!

Fill out my online form.
Use Wufoo integrations and get your data to your favorite apps.


  1. Kynslee, I am thinking of doing this! Any hesitations on your part for me? Too soon?
    I like the no impact part and the flexibility. But I am 61 yrs old. Hmmmm.
    Thoughts? Bobbi

  2. Bobbi- I think this would be a nice fit for you. I know you started modifying quite a bit with the Fix but are excited, as am I, that you could now hold Surrender, with weights, for a minute! I discussed it that with my group leader, and she, too, feels this would be a good fit! Let me know if you want in the test group!
