Thursday, August 28, 2014

Deliciously Healthy Qusadillas

Mmm! This quick and delicious quesadilla is so filling! One is plenty! It really hits the spot when you are craving some Mexican food. 

*6 whole wheat tortillas-I used 2 whole wheat and 4 whole wheat Aladdin's pita pockets for me(less ingredients :)
* 1 Tbsp of olive oil
*1 red pepper 
*1/2 tsp of onion powder
1/2 tsp of chili powder
* 1 1/2 cups of frozen corn (I take it out about 20 minutes before I start making it.)
*1 can of pinto beans, drained
* 1/2 cup of salsa-I used Giant Eagle organic (extra if using to dip quesadilla)
*1 1/2 cups of shredded cheese (I combined cheddar and mozzarella.)

1.  Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
2. Coat a cookie sheet with cooking spray.
3. Heat the olive oil in the pan on medium heat and add red pepper, onion power, and chili powder.  Stir occasionally for about 5 minutes until pepper is tender.
4.   Add the corn, beans, and 1 cup of the cheese.  Stir until mixture is cooked through and cheese is melted.

5.  Scoop the mixture into the tortillas, fold in half and place them on the cookie sheet. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top. 

6.  Cook for about 10 minutes.

You can pair this with salsa or guacamole for a filling, classic Mexican meal.  They heat up quite well, so don't worry about leftovers! I broil it on low for a few minutes so that the shell isn't soggy. The mixture is delicious and would go well with some homemade pita chips as well! Yum!

Happy Eating!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

I Just Want to Help

So I am that person on your friends' list who is constantly posting about my workout and showing you pictures of food I have eaten, or what I have fed my kids.  You see me sipping my Shakeology and have received a message from me asking if you have any health/fitness goals and if you want to join an accountability group with me.  You've gotten an event invite for a free plank challenge, clean eating group, or book club I have going.
These posts, messages, and invites aren't meant to bother or irritate others.  They are meant to possibly be a life line for someone. They are intended to connect people who have similar goals and aspirations.  They are meant to inspire,you and others, as I continue to navigate through my own healthy lifestyle.  My coach reached out at the right time! If she hadn't, I may have never have gotten over a plateau I had been facing nor would I have stopped my ridiculous calorie counting! I most likely would still be eating from minimal food groups and pumping my body with nasty unnatural foods. (I mean I am human, so they still get in there from time to time!) BOTTOM LINE: I want to help people. I want to educate them.   I want to receive more messages like these:
I truly believe I was designed to assist people in some way.  My mom used to think that it was the medical field because I always took care of her when she had one of her migraines. I felt it was to be a teacher to make learning a great experience, unlike my constantly stressed and worried experience.  I know I was meant to have kids to instill in them values and morals.  Along the way of doing the best I could to help others, I forgot about myself quite honestly.  My Beachbody business allows me to have this awesome cooperation of those two areas: others and self.  

So, I will continue to post and keep myself accountable using social media.  Through keeping myself on track and dedicated to my goals, I hope to inspire you. If one of my posts gets you off the couch and outside for a walk-fantastic! If one of my posts has you second guess the food you are putting in your body-awesome! If one of my posts gets you into a supportive group that finally allows you to meet your goals-amazing! Whatever it is, a recipe, a quote, a picture of me working out, the intention behind it is simple- Let me help you! There's no reason to do it alone. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

'Tis the Season for Chicken Wings

My husband is gearing up for another Brown's preseason game! I am not a huge football fan, but I am always excited to see what the new season brings for our team.  I happened to have chicken wings on the menu for dinner.  This is a common Superbowl food for sure. Can the Browns do it this year?! ;) 

I am a person who understands that clean eating is surely a lifestyle;however, there needs to be balance to healthy living. There needs to be balance in the different foods I eat; proteins, veggies, fruit, healthy fat, and carbs-all are needed! I also know that eating 100% clean, for me, isn't realistic. Living a lifestyle where I eat healthy, whole foods at least 80% of the time is a wonderful balance.

I've written about my picky eater husband before, and he actually complimented me on these! 

*frozen chicken wings- I used Giant Eagle brand- I had 11 left from previous recipe
*1 Tbsp. of garlic powder
*3/4 Tbsp of paprika
*1 tsp. of chili powder
*1/2 tsp. of sea salt
*3/4 cups of your favorite chicken wing sauce- My husband likes mild sauce, and I  had a hard time finding one actually- yuengling beer makes one-pretty high in sodium so I will look for other options :)
**optional-Cayenne pepper
***I don't enjoy a ton of spice, so I didn't put as much as original recipe called for (1 Tbsp. of garlic powder, paprika, and chili powered; 1/2 tsp. of sea salt and cayenne pepper-this was for 24 wings)

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
2.  Take a baking sheet and line it with tin foil (helps with mess) and put a cooling rack on top of it to help cook wings evenly.
3.  Wash chicken wings and pat dry with a paper towel.
4. Place chicken wings in a bowl and add the above ingredients including 1/4 cup of sauce. Make sure to coat all of the wings.

5. Allow wings to marinate from anywhere from 30 minutes to hours before baking.
6.  Once ready to bake, place on wired rack, making sure wings don't touch.  Keeping them separated a bit will help make sure wings aren't soggy. 
7. Bake for 20 minutes and then flip over and continue to bake for another 20 minutes.

8.  After cooling for a bit, place in bowl and add the additional 1/2 cup of sauce.

You can serve with the traditional sides of carrot sticks, celery, and blue cheese; however, I paired it with my filling dinner salad! This is a much better option to those restaurant friend wings for sure. I will surely make these every once in a while this football season! I really enjoy taking everyday foods and cleaning them up! 

Happy Eating!
Go Browns!! 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Coaching: There's an Option for Everyone!!

I am a teacher by profession, and my husband and I decided that once our second daughter was born March 21, 2013, it was best for our family that I stay home with our two girls.  I was excited and anxious all at the same time.  Intermingled with these apprehensive emotions was the constant desire to feel better about myself-physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  2 c-sections certainly took its toll on my body, and juggling a 2 year old, a newborn, watching my nephew(s), and daily household responsibilities was pretty exhausting.

My husband brought The Insanity workout to my attention, so on a whim, I ordered it.  I completed 6 months of it, and along the way, via social media and a "mutual friend" connection, I found my rockstar coach and mentor, Kirsten Nuss. We chatted and became "friends" on Facebook over a month or so.  She noticed personal posts of mine and decided to ask if I'd be interested in listening to a "coach opportunity call." She told me there was no obligation;rather, information on what it was all about.  She knew I was already sharing my journey toward health/fitness on social media as well as our financial situation since choosing to leave my teaching job.  This person, who I didn't know at all, cared enough about me to reach out. How cool is that?!
First time meeting Kirsten at Super Saturday in Pittsburgh-Jan. 11, 2014
Me, Kirsten, and fellow coach Danielle 
I listened, was inspired by the passion of the people in this business to assist others (friends, family, complete strangers) to make daily choices to become a better person.  I have since then been surrounded by an organization of inspiration. People who want to bring positivity into others lives in order to change them.
Zoom Chat with July Cup Challenge Team-connecting to create a plan to help others
Top: Me, Katie, Michelle, Krissa, and Bottom: Christina
I run my own business. Yep, I own my own business!! This is something I never thought I would do;however, while being apart of this organization, I've recognized and learned the importance of dreaming big! Life is too short to not do something you love.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, helping people!
21 Day Fix Results from a challenger, family member, friend, and now coach :)
Do you know how amazing it feels to get messages like this from people?! 

Although I am striving to build a business that helps other people while helping myself physically, emotionally, and financially, I understand that Beachbody and coaching can mean something entirely different for each individual.  There are 3 great options to get involved in this amazing company:
1. Discount coach- Who doesn't like a discount?! I sure do! That's it! You sign up and get to save money!! 25% discount!
2.  Part-Time-You may be on your personal journey, and have great success with using a program and enjoying Shakeology, and may just want to help people here and there. You can take this route and get your Shakeology paid for each month.
3. Business Builder- Others may just want to jump feet first, like myself and make this a business that can change your life and your family's lives financially.  You can be a part of various apprenticeship programs and groups that will assist you with building your business. 

Regardless of your involvement in Beachbody, you are instantly apart of this family and network of individuals who care about you!! Join my team in the capacity that suits you!! Fill out the form and let me know which options works for you!!

Fill out my online form.
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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Shape Your Body in 25 minutes a Day: Focus T25

Throughout my entire second pregnancy(Bristyn born 3/21/2013), I was concerned with getting back to my pre pregnancy weight.  After our first daughter Kynsten was born on March 30, 2011, I went quickly into calorie counting mode.  I eventually lost a good amount of weight before getting pregnant again.  As I started Focus T25, which was recommended to me by my mentor coach, Kirsten Nuss, because I wanted to lose more weight plus build ab muscles back that I lost with the pregnancies, I learned that I didn't have to spend hours a day feeling good about myself again.

Over the 10 week period of utilizing T25, eating clean, and enjoying Shakeology daily, I lost 15 lbs. and 14.75 inches! I was especially proud because I committed to this challenge for myself as well as helping others through my journey.  I made it through Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day with mostly following my meal plan and incorporating some treats :) (It's a lifestyle-It's about real life-that's why it works!)  That is when I really understood the life I was leading truly was a LIFESTYLE, not a diet or a fad.
Christmas Eve Morning Workout
I remember pushing especially hard on Christmas Eve morning.  I had just taken my 30 days stats and was astounded.  I was changing my life in a healthy way.  I wasn't writing down all the calories I ate.  I didn't restrict myself from certain food groups, and I even had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal(good old portion sizes helped).
At this point in the challenge, habits were set, and with the accountability of my challenge group, I was meeting and really exceeding goals or expectations I set forth before starting.  

The Workouts:
Focus T25 is set up into two phases: alpha and beta.  The alpha phase lays down the foundation.  All the workouts are able to be modified by following Tania (Familiar face for me since she was a rockstar in the Insanity workout I did before this). The beta phase kicks it up a notch, and by the time alpha is complete, I can honestly say you are ready for a bigger challenge. 

Alpha Workouts:
*All workouts are 25 minutes followed by a brief 2-3 minute necessary and vital cool down period.
1. Cardio:The only equipment used is YOU! It is a progressive cardio workout that continuously ramps up your heart rate for some a serious calorie burn. 
2.  Speed 1.0:  There is no equipment needed in this fast-paced workout that helps with speed while focusing on stretching, stability, and working up a great sweat! This is the foundation for the speed exercise.  There is Speed 2.0 in Beta. (My favorite). 
3.  Total Body Circuit: Holy Moly! This was such an amazingly intense workout.  I won't lie, it pushed my body to its limits, which is why is is so awesome.  I didn't need any weights to rock this cardio-based strength workout.  I am sweating just thinking about it!
Alpha Total Body Circuit and Lower Body
4.  Ab Intervals: My tummy always has and continues to be my target area! 2 c-sections later has definitely left its mark on my midsection, so I absolutely appreciated the core workout that was interval-based.  Doing moves in short, intense intervals has been proven to be very affective.

5.  Lower Focus: Many people don't pay much attention to their lower body;however, this target area really ramps up a person's metabolism.  The 25 minutes of sculpting the muscles from the waist down really keeps the calories burning for a long time after it is done!
6.  *Stretch: Beachbody's miniMAT is recommended for this workout.  I actually used a yoga mat. This is actually in both the Alpha and Beta phase.  Although there is a necessary cool down at the end of each workout, it is important that one day each week, there is a lengthier stretch routine to get the muscles ready for the week a head! After 5 days of working your body hard, you will surely enjoy this!!

Beta Workouts:
Once the foundation has been established for the first 5 weeks in Alpha, you head on over to the Beta phase!
1.  Core Cardio: This is a combination of cardio and your core!! LOVE this combo! You will definitely sense that you stepped it up a notch from Alpha after completing this 25 minutes. No equipment needed
2.  Speed 2.0: This is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE T25 workout.  It seemed to go SO fast.  I know that 25 minutes isn't a long time to begin with; however, it seemed liked it was half that amount of time.  Shaun T picks up the pace from Speed 1.0 and even adds some new moves to it. I really liked how the moves were repeated in segments.  The first was the shortest, and then the others got a little longer, using the same moves.  I felt really comfortable with the moves once finished! 
3.  Rip't Circuit: This is the counterpart to Total Body Circuit.  I enjoyed this one more than total body.  It was cardio, upper body, legs, and abs in full force with the use of Resistance Bands (came with my challenge pack) or Dumbbells.  When I complete these workouts in the future, I will use Dumbbells because I feel the band felt a little restrictive with some of the moves.  It is good to have a mat handy as well. 
4.  Dynamic Core: This is an AWESOME core workout! You will be doing standing abs as well as ab work on the floor (Have that mat handy!). 
Crazy calories burned in 25 minutes!!
5.  Upper Focus: I couldn't do a push-up for the life of me when I was completing Insanity. In all honesty, It wasn't until the last 3 weeks or so of T25 that I could do some off of my knees! Focusing on my upper body was never a priority; however, when I started seeing definition in my arms and how they looked in shirts,  I was sold on the benefits of it for sure.  Dumbbells or Resistance Bands as well as a Mat are used in this workout.

6. *Stretch: See Alpha workouts -Same :)

This is a 10 week program.  The first 5 weeks are the Alpha phase and then it is followed by 5 weeks of Beta.  Each week, there is a set workout each day to complete as noted in a calendar.  
Monday-Thursday: 25 minutes each day
Friday: Double Day! 2, 25 minutes workouts 
Over 1,000 calories burned!!!

Saturday: REST DAY- It is nice how it falls on a weekend
Sunday: Stretch

Getting fit in minutes a day is possible! I am proof! Check out these hot moms who did as well!

It was very helpful to go on this journey with other people who were completing T25 as well.  The support and accountability are priceless.  We kept each other on track with food and workouts and discussed our successes and struggles daily! 

Would you like to join an accountability group? 

Fill out my online form.
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Friday, August 1, 2014

Portion Controlled Chicken Meatloaf (and meatballs)

I have been looking for an alternative to ground beef since I started cleaning up my nutrition in November.  I do still use ground beef for recipes; however, I purchase at least 93% lean.  Sometimes I am able to find 96% lean. My husband isn't the biggest fan of ground turkey, so I recently have made some recipes with ground chicken.  I remember my mom's meatloaf growing up, which I thoroughly enjoyed, so I was happy to give this recipe a try.

*1 lb. of ground chicken
*1/2 cup of oats
* 2 eggs
* 1/3 cup of chopped onion
*1 Tbsp of garlic powder
*1 Tbsp of italian seasoning (I had located a recipe online in the past)
*1 tsp. of sea salt
*1/2 tsp of pepper
**You can add other veggies such as green peppers to the mixture as well.

*1/2 cup of ketchup
*2 Tbsp of sweetener of choice (brown sugar, honey, etc) I used brown sugar.
*2 tsp of dried mustard

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Spray a muffin tin with cooking spray. Mix all of the meatloaf ingredients into a mixing bowl. Spoon the mixture into the muffin tins. 

Put in oven for 30 minutes.  While cooking, mix the sauce ingredients together.  Once the 30 minutes is up, add the sauce to the top of mini meatloaves. Cook for an additional 5 minutes.

I served this with mashed potatoes and salad.  
Fix portions: 1 red for 2 of the mini loaves. 

This same recipe can be used to make meatballs as well!! Pair the meatballs with whole wheat pasta. Yum! 

Enjoy! Happy Eating!