Thursday, October 15, 2015

Pumpkin Muffins

Seriously there is something about fall foods that is so comforting! The smell of warm apples, chili, & PUMPKIN BREAD!

My mom is known for her breads-banana & pumpkin :) She likes to share as well, BUT I don't want all that sugar and and white flour in my system (all the time at least! ;) to not just add unnecessary calories but junk to my body!

I was browsing through my IG feed yesterday, and I came across a post from good old Shakeology. They broke down the ingredients and nutrition facts of a slice of Starbucks pumpkin bread. YIKES!!!

They are always looking out so they came up with a great recipe that won't give you a SUGAR spike, which will just lead you to eating more!!

*1 cup of almond flour
*1/4 cup of coconut flour
* 1 Tbsp. of pumpkin pie spice
*1/2 tsp of sea salt
*1/2 tsp of baking powder
*1/2 tsp of cinnamon
*4 large eggs, lightly beaten
*1/3 cup of coconut oil, melted
* 2 Tbsp of pure maple syrup
*3/4  cup of pure pumpkin puree
*nonstick cooking spray

1. Preheat oven to 350. Lightly grease whatever pan you are using. I was originally going to use a loaf pan, BUT I saw the suggestion to make muffins. I added some FROZEN cupcake wrappers and sprayed those lightly with OLIVE OIL spray.
2. Mix the almond flour, coconut flour, pumpkin spice, sea salt, baking powder, & cinnamon in a bowl. Set aside. 

3. Combine eggs & oil in a bowl and mix well. (I put the coconut oil right into the eggs after I melted in the microwave and the cold temp of the eggs made it harden in little chunks --you may want to melt a little while ahead of time.) 
4. Add maple syrup & pumpkin to the egg/oil mixture.

5. Add flour and egg mixture together and mix well.
6. Place batter in pan or muffin tin. *I baked the muffins for about 28 minutes and tested with a toothpick. 
Will work for food- my little helpers :)

FIXERS: I'd count this as one YELLOW and one TSP! :) 

This would be a great breakfast option with some fruit or scrambled eggs!!! :) A great thing for a  grab-n-go snack as well!!

Yum, Yum, Eat it Up!


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