Monday, September 8, 2014

Are You in the Game?!

As I was listening to my personal development for today, I kept thinking this idea: There are so many people who are living on the sidelines of life.  With football season upon us, I think about all those athletes that worked their butts off to get time on the field so they can live an extraordinary life using their talents and gifts.  How many of us don’t do that?! I know, I know, we can’t all be professional athletes, and that isn’t the point.  The point is, are you living a regular, mundane life, or are you striving to be extraordinary?

Do you feel awesome when you wake up each day? Do you feel confident when you walk into a room? Do you have the energy to enjoy each and every day?
Why wouldn’t someone want that?

Life is about making choices.  Each choice, as little as it may be or seem, compounds over time, to create a large impact. My choice to embrace a lifestyle of clean eating and exercise has allowed me to gain so much back in my life.  Have I lost things through this lifestyle? Sure! I've lost some major pounds and inches, my restless nights of sleep, and well, a great deal of negativity.  The whole purpose for me to change my ways, truthfully, in the beginning, was to get back in my clothes! That's it! I wanted to fit back into the clothes I bought before having Bristyn.  I never had the intention of having a better attitude, more energy, less sickness, a business, and a group of people that through their success and struggles, have taught me life lessons. 

So don't you want to know what it feels like to get in the game and have all those fans rooting you on to meet and demolish your goals? Be the quarterback in your life and START making some plays, each inching you closer to that touchdown/goal(s). The quarterback doesn't act alone.  He has a coach (me), and other players protecting him and helping him (other challengers). You will NEVER feel different or change your habits if you continue to sit on the BENCH!  

Are you in?!?!

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