It's easy to say, "Oh, it's just one day!" I used to do that for sure. Well then that turned into a weekend, a week, and then a month of unhealthy eating and poor choices. I am ALL about enjoying great food with my family, BUT I still want to feel good at the end of the day. I want to enjoy the variety of delicious food that is offered without needing my maternity pants to accommodate my bloated belly! :) I will be enjoying food I don't typically eat such as my mom's famous stuffing! My husband just loves this stuff and so does his family who we host at our house.
Check out these tips for turkey day that allow you to EAT all day but leave you satisfied instead of SORRY!
1. Workout
I will be getting up around 5:30 so I can get our bird ready and put in the oven for our 1 P.M. meal time with my husband's family. I will prep the turkey and then head right down to the basement for an amazing workout! I already planned out which one-T25 Speed 2.0! I will be done in 25 minutes and then I can go about getting ready for the day. This 25 minutes I take in the morning will give me extra energy to host 16 people at our house and then head to my parents' for more celebrating. It will also be a reminder to me about my goals. I purposely work out in the morning so I don't have the excuse of being tired at the end of a busy day, AND it keeps me accountable to my goals. I don't want to blow all that effort I put forth by making terrible food choices throughout the day.
2. Eat More Than ONE Meal
Many people have the misconception, especially on days like Thanksgiving and Christmas, that you want to bank all of your food for that ONE family meal! NOPE! That actually will halt you metabolism and work against you. I will be enjoying my Shakeology post work out and about 3 hours after that, I will have my typical snack of apples and PB! I will eat lunch with my husband's side of the family and then will later have dinner at my parents' house. I will eat my typical 5-6 times a day! This will surely keep me from overindulging on stuffing and mashed potatoes. :)
3. Hydrate
My daily goal is to drink 100 oz of water. There are so many benefits of drinking it. One being that it keeps me full between my meals. I know that if it hasn't been 2.5/3 hours, my head is messing with me, and I just need to take a huge gulp of the good stuff! Our families don't really drink, so there typically isn't alcohol at our holiday meals. If there was, I would likely enjoy a small glass of white wine; however, I will be chugging water all day! This is what I drink EVERY DAY! I don't want to waste calories on beverages. I'd rather have the stuffing! Can you tell I am excited about the stuffing?! LOL
4. Portions
I seriously had to rewash our dinner plates because they have been collecting dust since last Thanksgiving. We use salad plates at our house. Those are the perfect size to keep portions in check. Just because you have the HUGE plate in front of you doesn't mean you have to fill it up! Make your plate colorful with your proteins, veggies, fruits, and carbs.
Check out this video for proper portion sizes.
5. Ditch the Dessert
I can hear all the gasps as you read this!! I am skipping the traditional desserts-pumpkin pie, apple pie, etc. I will be enjoying yogurt, honey, cinnamon, and PB though!! If you are going to indulge in a dessert, and you SHOULD from time to time, remember point #4 ;). I am not about completely restricting oneself from particular foods. It isn't practical!! That isn't life, BUT I am about making healthy choices at least 80% of the time, so if you enjoy some on Thanksgiving, I challenge you to skip the leftover desserts. The same goes for Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Years. You don't have to have dessert during each of those meals. Enjoy it from time to time in moderation. :) Consider bringing another healthier options like these YUMMY chocolate chip cookies!!
6. Family
Enjoy the company of your family. Thanksgiving is about be grateful for our blessings. Our families are certainly amongst our greatest blessings, so take the time to be present in their company. Don't make FOOD the center of your day;rather, focus on all the great people you have in your life!!
Keep your day as you typically would, focusing on the fact that THANKSGIVING is a MEAL, not a marathon of food. You can achieve your goals even during the craziest of months.
Jump on in my next accountability group, which will focus on your portion sizes while getting an effective 30 minute workout in each day. It will take you through Christmas and New Years, so that your goals can start NOW not in 2015!!
Space is limited!! :)
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